Miss American Angus Committee Guidelines

This committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and carrying out the contest from which Miss American Angus is chosen.

The names of the girls who have the opportunity to compete for the title are announced at the National Junior Show in July. The committee operates within a very limited time frame and must have plans underway by this July date to be prepared to make a first contact with the queen contestants no later than August 1.

The five highest placing scholarship winners who have committed to compete in the Miss American Angus contest (see details under June), and completed the proper paperwork before the NJAS have the opportunity to compete for Miss American Angus.

The Miss American Angus competition will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition.

Elements of the Contest

The contest should consist of a prepared speech category, interview, impromptu question category, and informational test.

Each contestant's speech should range from five to seven minutes. The speech will be based on a topic chosen by the committee and provided to each contestant in September. This category may be open to an audience

The private, individual interviews consist of the contestant and the three judges plus two MAA committee members, one of which is a timer. The interviews should last 20 minutes.

The impromptu question category allows each contestant to spontaneously answer a question read to them by one of the committee members. This question is prepared ahead of time by the judges and committee chairperson. Contestants have no knowledge of the content of the question. Each contestant should answer the question to the best of her ability. All five contestants are asked to respond to the same question and are brought into the room one at a time to prevent each from hearing the response of other contestants. Two questions are presented; one industry related and one character based.

The written test is developed from an informational packet sent to each contestant in October. Two delegated committee members should create the test and, if possible, be present during the testing session for questions. This test may be given on Sunday morning prior to the other phases of the competition or on Saturday evening. This decision should be left to the discretion of the committee. The contestants should gather in a private room to take the test and two committee members should administer and collect the test, staying in the room at all times and answering any questions.

A panel of three judges will be chosen. This panel should be represented by a combination of men and women. Possibilities for judges include a past Auxiliary president or a former Miss American Angus. Consideration should be given to include in the mix judges with a background in agriculture communications as well as those persons having the ability to interact well with youth. A judge's orientation should be held with the judges and be conducted by the chairperson prior to the contest. The judge's handbook, which should be updated as needed for each contest, should be provided to the judges during this orientation. The chairperson should discuss interview questions and provide an overview of the role of Miss American Angus.

Required Activities for Miss American Angus

Miss American Angus is required to attend the following six shows:

  1. National Western - Denver, Colorado
  2. Western National- Reno, Nevada
  3. Atlantic National - Timonium, Maryland
  4. Eastern Regional Junior Show - Location different each year
  5. National Junior Angus Show - Location different each year
  6. North American Livestock Show - Louisville, Kentucky

CAB Building Blocks Seminar - Wooster, OH (December following crowning in November); attends with the 6 new directors of the NJAA and the newly elected American Angus Auxiliary officer. MAA gives a presentation at this seminar.

Web site - MAA is required to prepare her web site update (photos and articles) four times a year per the required schedule with MAA & Publicity Committee Chairperson.

Optional shows to attend:

  • American Royal - Kansas City, Missouri
  • The All-American Angus Breeders' Futurity - Louisville, Kentucky. It is not a required show but invites Miss American Angus to attend. This show is usually held the last week of July or the first week of August. The Futurity committee will pay up to $500 in expenses.

Miss American Angus is allotted a $5,500 travel allowance by the American Angus Association to cover the cost of travel expenses for these six required shows. Miss American Angus is also encouraged to attend other Angus related shows and activities and may be reimbursed at the end of her reign for the expenses incurred up to the $5,500 allotment at the approval of the chairperson and/or the Auxiliary representative appointed by the Executive Committee.

Schedule For The Weekend Of The Contest May Be As Follows:

Orientation/get acquainted meeting - All five contestants and their moms or a guest should attend along with the committee members and the outgoing queen and her mother. The chairperson should direct this meeting and the following should be provided or accomplished at this meeting:

  • Pass out schedule of the weekend.
  • Pass out list of sponsors and their addresses so that all contestants can send thank you notes. Each contestant will write their thank you notes to each of these sponsors during the contest. Chairperson will collect and mail these.
  • Allow the contestants to draw for the order in which they will compete.
  • Pass out fairground passes to each contestant.
  • Pass out gifts.
  • Confirm the way in which the contestants would like to be introduced in the ring on Monday.
  • Acknowledge the outgoing Miss American Angus and ask both her and her mother to speak about their year.
  • If any Auxiliary Executive Committee members attend, they should be introduced. If the President is able to attend, she should be offered the opportunity to address the contestants.

This should be a fun, relaxing, yet informative time. All the contestants should have the opportunity to ask questions and get to know each other.

Recommendation: set up gift display table.

The contestants should attend the Auxiliary breakfast. Contestants will assist with ticketing and door prizes. Contestants will be introduced during the Breakfast. As soon as possible, the candidates need to be excused from the breakfast to attend the Jr. Angus Show and obtain training from the current Miss American Angus.

Suggested schedule:

  • 7:30 a.m. Contestants meet to assist with breakfast
  • 8:00 a.m. Auxiliary Breakfast - introductions & proceed to Broadbent Arena for Jr. Angus Show
  • 4:30 p.m. Prepared Speeches and Impromptu Questions (both open to audience)
  • 6:00 p.m. Contestants are asked to attend the Angus reception. Attending the reception gives contestants an opportunity to thank sponsors and brings more visibility to the contest and contestants.


  • All contestants will meet Miss American Angus in the ring to assist with the show.
  • The crowning should take place after the Senior Champion Bull is chosen and before the Grand Champion Bull is picked.
  • All contestants are to remain at the backdrop after the crowning for photos.
  • The newly crowned Miss American Angus and her parents are to meet with the committee chair and President of the Auxiliary during the afternoon to go over the queen's handbook, to sign the code of conduct contract, and to answer any questions that they may have.
  • The newly crowned Miss American Angus is required to attend the American Angus Association Annual Banquet on Monday evening, along with the outgoing Miss American Angus.


  • The newly crowned Miss American Angus will work with the outgoing Miss American Angus throughout the remainder of the show.

MAA Committee Chair is responsible for notification/communication of proper show ring etiquette/suggested attire/presentation responsibilities of all Angus royalty and specifically in working with Miss American Angus at the national and regional Jr. Angus shows. This information should be routed to:

  • All current state Angus royalty (queens, princesses/ambassadors)
  • All current state Jr. Angus Advisors and/or Queen Committees
  • Current list/names/addresses obtained from the Junior Activities Department of the AAA. Effective in May 2007, this information is on the www.angus.org website in two locations: the Auxiliary Web page and the NJAA webpage. The mailing of the information may become optional with the addition to these websites.

Yearly Schedule for the Committee

All girl scholarship applicants (and their parents) for the American Angus Auxiliary scholarship will receive the following information in a letter from the MAA Committee:

  • Introductory letter explaining MAA competition, requirements for MAA time commitment for the year and MAA required duties.
  • Intent to Compete form for MAA
  • Code of Conduct contract for MAA

The "Intent to Compete" and the Code of Conduct contract are to be reviewed, signed by the applicant and their parents and returned to the MAA committee at a designated due date prior to the NJAS. Based upon the yes/no responses on the intent to compete form, the five highest placing female scholarship applicants that chose to compete for MAA will automatically become contestants for Miss American Angus and will be announced at the NJAS awards program. This information is shared only between the MAA Chair and the Scholarship Chair.

If at all possible, the committee should plan to meet at the National Junior Show.

Decisions that need to be made at this meeting or within this range of time, include:

  • Determination of judges - a list of potential judges should be created by the committee. This list should be presented to each member of the Auxiliary Executive Committee for approval. Once the contestants are announced, a final decision of judges needs to be determined and a committee member needs to be responsible for contacting and confirming these judges.
  • Develop a contest schedule and discuss the events. Mothers or a chaperone should be invited to participate in the orientation session. Determine a gift list for both the new Miss American Angus and the contestants.
  • Identify potential sponsors and develop a strategy for contacting and securing sponsorship for these gifts. Mandatory gifts include banner and jacket (provided by the Auxiliary) crown, and tickets for the five contestants and the outgoing queen to attend the American Angus Association annual banquet. Optional gifts may include a custom belt buckle, luggage, watch, and/or leather bag. The outgoing Miss American Angus may wish to continue the tradition of giving the crown pin to the incoming Miss American Angus. She should be contacted at this time so that she may order the pin if necessary.

The contest gift table with appropriate signage to acknowledge sponsorships should be prepared and exhibited during the following times: 1) orientation session, 2) Auxiliary Breakfast, and 3) Angus Reception.

Suggestions for contestant gifts include engraved frames, embroidered jackets, engraved jewelry. Gift sponsors should be invited to participate in a sponsor picture with the new Miss American Angus at the time of the crowning.

Determine gifts for the judges.

Contact the five scholarship winners with an introductory letter. This introductory letter should give a more detailed overview of the contest with a tentative schedule and contest requirements. In addition, reminders of the Code of Conduct are sent.

Contact the tailor of the Miss American Angus jacket to insure material has been ordered and set aside for construction of the new jacket.

Begin process of selection of appropriate gifts; order when necessary to insure arrival prior to Nov. 1st.

Begin obtaining committees for sponsorships, billing/receipt of payments. Work through the budget.

Begin finalizing MAA contest expenses. Re-check MAA travel expenditures for the year and finalize payments. Begin preparation of year end committee report.

Communicate with the Angus Association regarding public relation needs for NAILE/MAA contest.

Coordinate room reservations for contestants with AAA.

Contact the five contestants with a letter explaining the specific elements of the competition, prepared speech subject, what can be expected in future correspondence, when the educational packets will be sent and dress for the various activities in which they will participate.

Confirm with the MAA tailor the time/location for the fitting after the crowning.

Continue working to secure sponsors if this is not already completed. Order gifts such as the banner, belt buckle, luggage, etc. to make sure that these are prepared by November.

Confirm the reservation of rooms necessary for events during the contest with program chairperson and/or the Executive West. Rooms are needed for: judges orientation, contestant orientation, lunch with contestants/judges/MAA committee, personal interviews, written test, special etiquette session, and the prepared speech. Rooms that will be used for things open to the public need to sit about 75-100.

Order educational packet materials from the AAA.

Forward educational information packs to the contestants for them to use as a study guide for the written portion of the contest.

Include letter that can be used by contestants to inform college professors of this activity to help with their make-up work.

Coordinate with the AAAx Program Chair for room set-up/food and other contest requirements for facility use at the Executive West. Verify contracts are accurate.

Review and update the Miss American Angus Handbook as necessary and prepare this to be printed and bound (10 copies - one for Auxiliary President, one for new queen and one for committee chairperson, new queen's parents, one for the Junior Activities Director, and one for each of the MAA committee members).

Report to the President all activities as they have been planned and invite her as well as the Executive Committee to any events held in conjunction with the contest.

Coordinate publicity of contest for Annual meeting publications with the AAA communications dept. Also print any media or visual aids media to promote the contest.

Prior to arriving in Louisville:
During the first week in November, send a final letter to contestants. Reconfirm the time and place for the Saturday meeting.

During the first week of the month, order flowers from the Executive West florist. Flowers include arrangements that are sent to each contestant's room upon arrival in Louisville and also a dozen roses to be used in the crowning ceremony.

Upon Arriving in Louisville:
Check with the florist to be certain the floral order has been completed with no problem. Sign enclosure cards if necessary to be included with arrangements sent to contestants.

Pick up fairground passes for the five contestants from the Junior Activities Director.

Pick up breakfast tickets for each contestant from the program chairperson.

Coordinate with Junior Activities Director to purchase banquet tickets for the new Miss American Angus and the outgoing MAA. Distribute extra tickets that may be received accordingly to the MAA parents.

Provide incoming Auxiliary President with a sponsor list so those sponsors may be acknowledged at annual banquet.

Provide the incoming Auxiliary President with a list of the names of the newly crowned queen and her parents, and the outgoing queen and her parents so that these persons may be acknowledged at the annual banquet.

Try to make contact with the gift sponsors to remind them to be at the ring during the crowning so that they can participate in a sponsor picture.

Immediately Following the Crowning:
After the new Miss American Angus is crowned, the Chairperson and the President of the American Angus Auxiliary should meet with her and her parents to discuss the upcoming year, overview the Miss American Angus Handbook, sign the Code of Conduct Contract, and begin to establish a line of communication that should be fostered throughout the year.

After the North American:
Order the official Miss American Angus jacket and confirm that this will be ready by Denver.

Write thank you notes to judges, contestants and sponsors.

Establish a file from the contest including all correspondence to contestants, all correspondence to gift sponsors, all correspondence with judges, a sponsor list with addresses and phone numbers, a copy of the test, informational packet, judge's handbook, Miss American Angus Handbook and any other important information.

December Through the Following Year
Keep in close contact either by phone or by e-mail with the reigning queen and assist with travel plans when necessary.

Update and revise committee guidelines as needed and provide to Auxiliary President.

Furnish end of year financial statement to Auxiliary bookkeeper.

Update "Guidelines for State Queens and Princesses" and forward to individual states and representatives as needed.