The American Angus Auxiliary offers individuals interested in the welfare of the Angus breed the opportunity to work together to provide educational, promotional and social programs and activities.
The American Angus Auxiliary is a cherished tradition for generations of Angus families, and over the years, has provided unrivaled support for the future of the business breed.
Each year through our Miss American Angus contest, a new Miss American Angus is crowned. She serves in the public eye promoting the Angus breed at shows, schools, and conferences throughout her reign.
The National Junior Angus Showmanship Contest is sponsored by the American Angus Association and the silver revere bowl awards are given by the Auxiliary.
The Silver Pitcher Awards are presented to the boy and girl with the most outstanding achievement in the show ring at the National Junior Angus Show. Exhibitors accumulate points throughout the show. Winners are recognized with Silver Pitchers.
See the winning recipes for the CAB® Cook-off Contest! Download the cookbook or enter next year's contest. The Cook-Off is sponsored jointly by the Auxiliary, NJAA, American Angus Association and CAB, and is held during the NJAS.
The American Angus Auxiliary Scholarship Program was created in 1956 and has benefitted over 500 youth across the country. The awards are presented annually at the National Junior Angus Show. In recent years, a total of $20,000 has been awarded annually to the top five young women and top five young men.
We need you - whether you are a junior mom, entrepreneur, youth leader, retired Angus breeder or educator. Members from all walks of life involved in promoting or raising Angus cattle can become part of our organization. It is with teamwork that our organization keeps rolling along.
Members of our organization sign up for committees of interest to them. It is within these committees that you become involved at either the state, regional or national level. You don't have to go to national events to be a part of this organization - we need assistance at all levels.
Each committee chairperson has a team of committee members whose job it is to work together to achieve the goals set by each committee and the officer team each year.